Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Old and The Beautiful

These pictures are from the dementia resource book, Voices from the Heart, Living with Dementia.

Taking photos for the book was an eye opening and humbling experience for me. We all dread the idea of growing old and will go to great lengths to stop the signs of aging with botox, mesotherapy and collagen supplements. I guess the media is to blame for our obsession with youth and beauty. The skinny wrinkle-free (airbrushed) models and celebrities in glossy magazines certainly do not help boost our self-esteem.

If we look beyond anti-aging creams, wrinkles and liver spots are beautiful. Each line and freckle represents a moment in someone’s life. Taking his first baby steps, celebrating his 21st birthday, getting his first job, marrying his sweetheart, keys to his new home, carrying his firstborn in his arms, mourning the loss of a loved one, enjoying his retirement in Maui… all these are told in one’s face. The frown and laugh lines are our life story. So I don’t see why would anyone want to erase his life story with botox?

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